On October 23, our Life Sciences Localization Thought Leader and Senior VP of Global Sales, Shannon ...

Everything by us
and about us
Argos Multilingual has been helping out charities for some time now. So far they have helped organiz...
Operations Director Joanna Góralczyk-Weitz is our guest in a brand-new “Life as a…” segment. Can you...
This Top 10 List follows the principles of STE* and shows you how to lower your publishing costs and...
As a result of globalization, the need for exporting products and services to foreign markets has gr...
Have you ever wondered what is it like to be a translator? You always loved to read and learn langua...
Life Sciences Project Manager Rafał Lichtenberg is our guest in the latest “Life as a…” segment. Wha...
We are still in awe after the last Q1 Productions event and are already looking forward to next one ...
The translation industry has come a long way in the past 20 years. While not so long ago linguists w...
We have the pleasure of inviting you to the XTM Live event that will be hosted by SONY on May 31 &nd...
Argos Multilingual as a member of the Association of Language Companies (ALC) will be attending ALC’...
What does a normal day in your shoes look like? Tanya Bredow: I start my day by catching up on emai...