The Pillars of Centralization – Building A Successful Content Strategy
Build A Successful Content Strategy Using The Pillars of Centralization In a world of increasing co...
Build A Successful Content Strategy Using The Pillars of Centralization In a world of increasing co...
After the new MDR and IVDR regulations take effect, all your documentation will need to be seamlessl...
Don’t let the new MDR and IVDR deadline lull you into a false sense of security! It’s true that the...
Is your translated content COMPLETELY ready for MDR and IVDR? Translation is often an afterthought i...
The European Union’s Medical Device Regulation will affect your medical products and their Instructi...
Download our whitepaper to find the answers for questions we frequently asked by life sciences compa...
The American Standards Association originally approved the A92 project in 1948, and was concerned wi...
European markets pose increasing regulatory language requirements for medical device manufacturers. ...
Two new European Union regulations on medical devices (MDR) were implemented on May 25, 2017. These ...
When a software development team is in the product design phase, it is easy for localization to be o...
What is the best way for translation buyers to evaluate a potential Language Partner? So you’re look...
This White Paper covers 23 different ways to reduce translation costs while maintaining translation ...
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